
Here are a few backyard wrestling sites that are damn near catching up to the big three,and sometimes are more entertaining, putting on sweet ass shows, and doing moves that should legaly kill them!

One of the best feds out there today, labeled a tramp fed but they are anything but, using the tramp only as a launching pad for sick bumps these guys put on a hell of a show, be sure to check out there site now featuring video clips

One of my personel favorite feds, be sure to stop by there site and check out there kick ass clips, and there kick ass ring

Okay maybe this isn't a backyard wrestling site, but this is the official wrestling site of the SAW, go here for the best news and rumors and the best damn articles on wrestling on the entire internet!

The Backyard Wrestling Link
The place to find any backyard wrestling site worth anything, complete with articles about improving your wrestling and other peoples experiances! Keep a spot reserved on "Cut above the Rest" because before long a certain Stupid Ass site is gonna be on there!

Here is a collection of the best Backyard pics around, plenty of cool stuff here, including us

World of Backyard Wrestling
A great up and coming Backyard Wrestling site, featuring non other than the biggest stupid asses in the backyard, US!!

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